What Upsets A Backstreet Fan
( by the fans)
Here is a list of what ticks off Backstreet Boys Fans (pretty much all in fun) so if you have something you wanna add to them all. Then come on and email me with your points at: webmaster@brian-nick.com
Ignorant Fans3.
Napster (Mislabeled B&B Songs!! )5.
Crapson Daily (yes I know I spelled it wrong)6.
People who start fights about *NSYNC and BSB7.
Crapson daily8.
Crapson Daily9.
Crap......never mind.10.
That science has not advanced to the point of mass cloning.11.
Time (for the gerrys).12.
JIVE (this should be at the top really)13.
Kevin/Howie oppression14.
Mistreatment of any Boy in any form15.
That we can't save them from some circumstances in their lives.16.
In some cases that we can't save them from themselves.17.
That fanfics are not true and starring us along with that poor, tortured Boy.18.
The press.19.
That they can't be in more than one place at one time.20.
That under certain circumstances, they will act like MEN.----------------------------------------------------------------------
That they have the nerve to act like they own their own bodies, minds, etc. (who do they think they are, people or something?)22.
Idiots who do not see the light and beauty that is Backstreet.23.
That we can't take away their pain.24.
Idiots who WILL NOT see the light and beauty that is Backstreet.25.
That the Emotari probably do not mate as we do.26.
That we can't give them days off to just veg.27.
That we've caused them anguish about life choices that they've made.28.
That in a free society which values personal liberty and freedom of movement they have to have almost constant bodyguards.29.
Instrumental accompaniment.30.
Johnny or Donna Wright or whoever's idea it was that AJ should hide those glorious eyes.31.
If we have anything to do with the sadness we see in their eyes sometimes.32.
That it took their ship so long to get here from Emotar.33.
That some organs only come one to a customer. We should each be able to have at least one souvenir BSB spleen.34.
Old management (I honestly don't see how N'Sync copes unless there were other things in the mix).35.
The application of the term "boy band" (shudder).36.
That they do not consider nude singing a viable performance option.37.
That we will probably not be able to convince them to wear universal satellite motion trackers so that we could follow them by computer.38.
That their tongues are retractable.39.
That they feel that they don't have the freedom to record whatever kind of freaking song they want to.40.
That Jive is so oppressive and anal retentive (they'll make you more money if you allow them to go with their instincts, you congenital idiots!!!).----------------------------------------------------------------------
That they feel that their lives are constricted by us sometimes when all we want to do is adore them. I guess when you do the crime, you do the time.42.
The person responsible for the Millennium cover.43.
The person responsible for Kevin's rogue choreography.44.
That their clothes won't or don't melt.......off.45.
That they are just sooo beauteous that their looks do sometimes get in the way of their music and that's something that can't be helped (hey, get rid of those pheromones, dude, and then we'll talk).46.
That Nick for even one minute felt bad or hurt by some peoples' idea of "humor" about his weight. He should come here and realize just how much we love him just the way he is with a huge shout out to Thor and the JB.47.
That Howie or Brian for even one minute ever considered that he wasn't loved. When it comes down to it, they all are our favorites. BSB is indivisible and is its own least common denominator.48.
Humor sites whose idea of humor is cruelty plain and simple.49.
People who think that YOU'RE crazy just because you're BSB obsessed. Hey, different strokes for different folks.50.
Even though we accept pretty much the way the Boys want things, end stage setups (dude, buy a barf bag).51.
Oooh, TICKET MASTER lotteries and procedures.52.
Every artist, non-artist, human being and life form who has ever dissed the Boys. They may forget but you can bet WE won't.53.
That most of us can't find a man who will love like Brian.54.
Bonehead rock fans who don't know their peril when they start in on the Boys in a Ticket master line or anywhere else for that matter.55.
That because they want to give so much, sometimes they run themselves into the ground (it was either the first or second leg of the last tour, they were dropping like flies, stress, exhaustion, throats, muscles, you name it). I don't really think they're ionic battery driven.56.
Condom hats.57.
That we will defend to the death the Boys' right to do, wear and sport things that we would kill our husbands, bf's or kids for doing/wearing/sporting (I brake for BSB hypocrites).58.
That they have to almost constantly defend their music, artistry, talent, non-playing of instruments and brand of soda pop.59.
That we have to defend our mania. It just is.60.
That all their outtakes aren't filmed.----------------------------------------------------------------------
That every time you see or hear them, it's not enough. You need a new fix immediately. Oh dear, that means we'll NEVER get enough of them.62.
That we don't have more senses to experience a BSB concert with.63.
That we don't have more hands to "experience" a BSB with.64.
That no matter how cool you pysch yourself up to act when you meet one, there is that outside chance that you will shake, grin stupidly, get tongue-tied, utter something totally inappropriate ("Excuse me, Brian, but may I have this screw?), lose control of one or more bodily functions, grab one, grab one "there," faint, laugh and cry hysterically at the same time and WORSE that's the reason they'll never forget you.65.
That there's no Board phat jet to follow them from country to country on the world promo tour or world tour proper for that matter.66.
That before BSB you could have given a good rat's a** about what happened on TRL or MTV for that matter.67.
That Jive doesn't release singles stateside just because we want them to.68.
Adding to #1, SCREAMING teenyboppers who are screaming louder than you.69.
Finding their hotel just as the last room is taken.70.
Figuring out their interary in any given city and then always arriving 10 minutes after they've left.71.
When I'm in the middle of a damn good dream of kev feeding me cherries and aj rubbing my feet, my mama wakes me up for school.72.
When my dad used to call them blackstreet boys73.
The way Elton john stares at kevy74.
When fans of other groups call a bsb vid corny when they woulda loved it if their fave group did the same75.
Never having been to a concert76.
Having the lady hang up on you as you get your credit card ready to purchase a ticket77.
Dropping your best aj photo card under the jungle you call your bed78.
When your cd is scratched, but only on your favorite bsb jam79.
When all the guys appear on a show minus your fave80.
When all of them appear but your fave looks like crap (doesn't happen too often)----------------------------------------------------------------------
When punk ass groups like the offspring beat up bsb dolls on stage in front of cheering hicks82.
When bsb don't put out a home video in half a year85.
When your fave, one of a kind kevy poster gets ripped down when your parents decide it's time to repaint your room86.
When people think they know stuff about the BSB but they really don't.Example: "Brian and his cousin Nick are so cute." NO. It is Brian and Kevin, not Nick. If you don't know what you're talking about, keep your mouth shut!
When people swear that Aj Mclean and Howie Dorough are cousins and of course Chris Kirkpatrick is Aj's brother. Oh you can't tell those teenies anything.88.
Finding out NOW that you are the long lost love child of Uncle Louie and knowing you might have had the hookup YEARS ago when they were brand new.89.
Dry Boys as opposed to wet Boys.90.
No Boys as opposed to dry Boys.91.
No Boys period when a supposed TV appearance does not happen and you got up at an ungodly hour.92.
Two simultaneous TV appearances and one vcr.93.
Missing the first few minutes of a TV event because at your first sight of Boy, you forget how to work anything, including your fingers.94.
People who are close to them who do not have their best interests at heart.95.
People who know them but take great pleasure in going out of their way to diss them.96.
People who given the opportunity to ask them something ask the most unbelievably stupid questions (Was it hard shooting the video for The One at the same you were on tour (pronounced "tore")?97.
Fans who make the rest of us look like stupid, psychotic, raving lunatics. We can look like that on our own, thank you.98.
When people that know I like the BSB come up to me to tell me the "latest news". Such as "Hey Carrie did you hear that BSB's new CD is going to be called Black and Blue and comes out on November 21st?" or "Have you heard their new single, Shape Of My Heart? I think it just came out a couple days ago" <--- I just give them a weird look and thank them for the information that I have know for months before...99.
Footage of the dang-bangin' audience. I tuned in to see the Boys, curse you! Make points with that brunette with the bazookas on your own time, camera jerk! We know they're there, we can hear them screaming. BOYS, NOW!100.
When haters come up with dumb ass excuses for bsb album titles. example: "oh they named their album black and blue cuz they got their asses kicked this year!"W-T-F??? This ain't wwf!
Nearly running over innocent pedestrians who are trying to cross the street because you're wrapped up in thoughts of Kevin heaven.102.
A completely USELESS "Official site". If the information isn't years old (cat named Missy), it's wrong (Kevin's birthday). Their source for the boys information is "Source: Backstreet Boys Forever, Teen Machine". That's just plain lame. And I'm forever peeved that they don't acknowledge 2 AWESOME albums that were released everywhere but the US. And the discography shows 4 (!) singles. And why does the site open with the lyrics to "Anywhere For You", but the music blasting too loud is "Larger Than Life"?103.
The kidnapping of "Who Do You Love?". More than once it was stated that this would be on the "next" album. Somebody pay the ransom already and get this on a CD.104.
Screwing us with the singles - why not release them here? Is it because I told the world that the Official Site stinks? And they dare to wonder why we Napster.....105.
Saying you have tour dates and then not having tour dates106.
The "I hear ya, Suej" similar deal with If You Knew What I Knew. I have seldom encountered a more album worthy song, but noooooooo. And Johnny No Name has expressed his anger and frustration with Jive over this on AJ's behalf necessitating the purchase of more pins for my Jive voodoo doll.107.
Male friends/office mates who "insist" the Backstreet Boys are gay just to cover up their jealousy.108
. Friends/family who totally ignore the subject of BSB because they think there's something wrong with you and don't know how to deal with it.109.
People who talk about your obsession like it was some kind of hobby (Oh, isn't that cute? - Whenever I hear that I want to barf!)110.
Edited interviews that try to show the boys in an unfavorable light (i.e. John Norris/MTV interview)111.
Constant reports/rumors that BSB is breaking up.112.
The pop music culture that ignores or refuses to acknowledge "older" fans as if we weren't spending gobs of money to support our boys.113.
Groupies.... Those who claim that the boys were hitting on them and couldn't keep their eyes off them ....Give me a break!!!114.
People who say "You need to get over bsb, you are too old"...115.
Girls who wear almost no clothes at concerts or when they are going to meet the guys... They are not going to fall in love with u when they see stuff hanging out of your clothes!! " oh yeah that girl that looks like a Sl** is the one I want to spend the rest of my life with" NO!!116.
Here's something that just happened to me yesterday:I was coming back from Six Flags and when "This I Promise You" came on the radio, the girl driving said, "oh..it's the Backstreet Boys!"
Mofo's that claim to be fans of AJ and Bri who then end up stealing Kevy's crutches from a more deserving Kevy/thigh biter/fan. Right Tania? lol.118.
Willa Ford.119.
The fact that we cannot spend every waking moment with the boys.120.
The fact that I cannot have sex with Nick.----------------------------------------------------------------------
The fact that I cannot have sex with Nick. (only an extension of #116.)122.
Those dumb people who come on here and diss BSB. I mean, you would think they would have a life.....123.
The fact that I live in California, and Nick "resigns" in Florida.124.
The fact that I cannot have sex with Nick.125.
The virtual marriage license I printed off the internet isn't real.126.
When we hear the boys are meant to do a song with MJ and nothing happens. No song, now news on any cd (we blame jive)
more coming soon..........
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